Will you donate today to ensure Latinos can access the COVID-19 vaccines?

While the spread of COVID-19 has slowed, it does not erase the devastating health and economic impact it has had on the Latino community. If we are to emerge from this health and economic crisis, Latinos must have access to the COVID-19 vaccines. Your gift brings vaccines to neighborhoods where Latinos work and live.


Contribute today.

Vaccinations hosted by UnidosUS Affiliate Latin American Community Center

Vaccinations hosted by UnidosUS Affiliate Latin American Community Center

Whether we are leading a partnership for equitable delivery of the COVID-19 vaccines, ensuring our children have access to broadband during distance learning, or pushing Congress to prioritize the underserved, we will leverage each and every single one of your hard-earned dollars to empower Latinos to achieve their American Dream.


Interested in making another kind of contribution? Learn about other ways to give.